NOWEB(1) General Commands Manual NOWEB(1) NNAAMMEE sl2h - simple latex to HTML converter SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssll22hh [--sshhooww--uunnkknnoowwnnss] [--hhttmmll--qquuootteess] [file ...] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _s_l_2_h is a simple converter from _l_a_t_e_x(1) format to HTML (which can be used with, e.g., _n_e_t_s_c_a_p_e(1) or _M_o_s_a_i_c(1)). If the --sshhooww--uunnkknnoowwnnss options is given, unrecognized _L_a_T_e_X control sequences appear in bold in the output. If the --hhttmmll--qquuootteess option is given, ssll22hh converts LaTeX double-quote ligatures into HTML 4 double-quote entities. _s_l_2_h uses the LaTeX-generated .toc and .bbl files to help create table of contents and bibliography. BBUUGGSS It is possible to tell ssll22hh about new control sequences by putting spe‐ cial TeX comments in one's documentation chunks, but there's no docu‐ mentation. Use the source, Luke. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _n_o_w_e_b_f_i_l_t_e_r_s(7), _h_t_m_l_t_o_c(1) VVEERRSSIIOONN This man page is from _n_o_w_e_b version 2.12. AAUUTTHHOORR Norman Ramsey, Tufts University. Internet address NNoorrmmaann..RRaamm‐‐ sseeyy@@ttuuffttss..eedduu. Noweb home page at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ccss..ttuuffttss..eedduu//~~nnrr//nnoowweebb. local 10/40/2008 NOWEB(1)